Maple Nut Clusters

I know I haven’t blogged recently but I have been a bit unwell again. Those who are familiar with POTS are aware that we need to be careful and pace ourselves to make sure that we don’t overdo things. With it currently being winter and bugs everywhere, I seem to have just been catching them left, right and centre and so needed to take some time off away from the blog to use all my spoons (those unfamiliar with the spoon theory can check it out here) on getting through each day. Now that I am back I am happy to share this tasty little treat with all of you!

This treat is so quick to make (preparation is less than five minutes and cooking time about twelve minutes), it is definitely one of my quickest salty snacks/meals yet. It also hits a nice little sugar spot as well as you can’t really taste the salt! Continue reading

Cinnamon Nut Granola

I’ve never really enjoyed eating granola for breakfast – or any cereal really –  which is why even though today’s recipe is a really nice granola recipe, I still don’t eat it for breakfast. I will, however, tell you all the other amazing ways you can eat granola. Don’t get me wrong though, this can still be eaten for breakfast and I did try it and like it, but I just prefer eating it in other way’s I’ll explain below (in full discretion i’ve already made three four batches of this recipe – and not for recipe testing purposes).

This recipe is insanely simple to make, bursting with flavour, lasts a long time (even when you pick at it like I do) and you can make a big batch at a time. It isn’t my recipe, although I have slightly modified the quantities within it.

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Sesame Noodles

I’m not usually a fan of ginger flavoured foods but I’ve been experimenting with more flavours lately, and ginger is meant to have natural healing and health properties. I’m definitely glad I decided to give it another chance because this recipe is bursting at the seams with flavour and salt (not that you will notice it at all).

The flavour is a very fresh and leaves your taste buds with a very zingy vibe. Continue reading

Mushrooms stuffed with Feta, Bacon and Spinach

When I was younger I used to make mushrooms with melted cheese on the stove with my dad. I haven’t made it in years but I recently came across this much healthier recipe which brought back those fond memories.

This recipe is so full of flavour and has a good amount of salt in it. The mushrooms are bursting with flavour and are incredibly juicy and are bite sized – well depending on the size of the mushrooms you use. I prefer the big mushrooms, but that only means that you eat it in two bites instead of one.


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Marshmallows dipped in salted caramel and chocolate

I wasn’t going to write about this recipe for a while but this week I have felt quite fatigued and been sick with a cold so I decided to pull it forward a few weeks. I hope you all enjoy it!

I made these marshmallows as part of an Easter gift to my friends and family and they are AMAZING. I think the best way to describe the flavour would be like a rocky road or marshmallow Easter bunny.

I cannot recommend this recipe more highly. Besides the fact that they end up looking insanely awesome they just taste epic. Yes I am using epic as a measure of flavour as there really isn’t much more of a way to explain just how good they taste. The marshmallow is dipped in salted caramel, then it’s dipped in chocolate which hardens. Then you can eat it in one bite or in two. It just … it’s just the perfect treat.

Step 12:

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Eggplant Mini Pizzas

I think nearly everyone’s childhood has involved having pizza as some kind of treat, whether it was at a birthday party, for takeaway dinner or, as we got older, when we had friends around.

As we get older, though, that nagging voice at the back of our head tells us that we should make healthier choices – so when I came across this version of mini pizzas which uses eggplants instead of a traditional pizza bases, I was keen to try it out.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Continue reading

Almond Cookies

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor Easter this year, I decided to try something different for my family instead of the usual Easter eggs. I figured that since I’m quite into cooking desserts and ‘treats’ at the moment, what better excuse than Easter to cook some more and give them away? Well, there was a slight ‘hitch’ in that plan … you see I really REALLY like the taste of these almond cookies … like REALLY like them … to the point where only half of what I made I was willing to give away … (I swear I am a good person).

To say I was impressed with how these turned out is a major understatement. These were nice and crispy on the outside and gooey and soft inside. They tasted and felt store bought –  a real crowd favourite! Continue reading

Salted Caramel Popcorn with/out Peanuts

When I was younger, we used to have caramel popcorn as a treat and for that reason, it has always held a special place in my heart. So when I came across a recipe for salted caramel popcorn with peanuts (so double the amount of salt!) I couldn’t resist. For those of you who haven’t tried it you can’t really taste the salt in it, it really tastes like caramel popcorn with peanuts on top (or peanut butter popcorn) – really nice and different from the norm. Continue reading